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Tag: recipe

  • English Muffin Recipe

    English Muffin Recipe

    Here is a great English muffin recipe for y’all! I loved English muffins growing up. A friend made it at home and posted about it and I wanted to give it a try also! That was like 10 years ago… I did a lot of searching and researching English muffin recipes since then. It sounded…

    Read more: English Muffin Recipe
  • Cinnamon Roll Recipe

    Cinnamon Roll Recipe

    There is nothing worse than trying different cinnamon roll recipes and knowing it could be better. I have been trying to make the best cinnamon roll for over 10 years. I have finally made one that I am happy with and will continue to use! I hope you will give our cinnamon roll recipe a…

    Read more: Cinnamon Roll Recipe
  • Sausage Quiche

    Sausage Quiche

    We love this sausage quiche! It is simple to prepare and delicious to eat! Our family used to make it for breakfast around the holidays. We love to make this sausage quiche year round now. It is a great meal for breakfast, lunch, or brunch! It is versatile too! You can change the recipe and…

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  • Homemade Strawberry Jam

    Homemade Strawberry Jam

    Our family LOVES homemade strawberry jam, especially on top of grass fed salted butter on homemade toast! We have tried various strawberry jams, organic and not. Our favorite from the store is Bonne Maman, but I dislike that it isn’t organic. Commercial strawberries are part of the Dirty Dozen and have a lot of pesticides.…

    Read more: Homemade Strawberry Jam
  • Garlic Parmesan Pasta Recipe

    Garlic Parmesan Pasta Recipe

    This garlic parmesan pasta is a quick and easy side dish to make with any meal! The flavors compliment each other and it comes together very quickly because the angel hair cooks so fast! The angel hair makes this dish light and the sauce makes it easy for one to eat more than they should!…

    Read more: Garlic Parmesan Pasta Recipe
  • Homemade Pie Crust Recipe

    Homemade Pie Crust Recipe

    Homemade pie crust was always something that intimidated me. It sounded so delicate and complicated. As we began to eat with cleaner ingredients, buying an organic pie crust from the grocery store (especially out in the country) was impossible. I had to put on my big girl pants and attempt the one thing I was…

    Read more: Homemade Pie Crust Recipe
  • Homemade Pancakes Recipe

    Homemade Pancakes Recipe

    Homemade pancakes are a family breakfast favorite. This is our favorite go-to recipe. I searched for years (literally) for a great pancake batter recipe. I have tried so many recipes that I found online and they were never light and fluffy enough for me. After a while, I decided to test and adapt different recipes…

    Read more: Homemade Pancakes Recipe
  • Dewberry Cobbler Recipe

    Dewberry Cobbler Recipe

    Cobbler is a must in southern households. It is a staple dessert and so simple to make! This dewberry cobbler recipe is absolutely delicious and made with very little effort. We discovered the dewberries on our property towards the end of the first season. We knew we had to forage them and not let them…

    Read more: Dewberry Cobbler Recipe

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